Recovering from shoulder surgery can often be challenging. However, if you plan how you will cope after surgery ahead of time, your recovery is likely to be easier. Planning will also ensure that you have an easier time dealing with the restrictions that you will encounter immediately following surgery. Here are some tips that you are sure to find useful in helping you to cope during your recovery.

Prepare Your Meals Ahead Of Time

If you live alone or if you will be spending most of each day alone, before your surgery, you should prepare meals for at least two to three weeks. Put the meals in plastic containers and freeze them, so you can easily reheat them, when you want something to eat. Make a stash of snacks that is easy to access and doesn't require cooking. Good foods for your stash are cereals, pastries, and nuts.

Practice Makes Perfect

Before your surgery, you should begin practicing how to use only the arm that will be in use after the surgery. It is a good idea to bathe, brush your teeth, comb your hair, and do other activities, using only the one arm. This not only lets you practice coping with one arm, it also helps give you a fair assessment of what you will and will not need help with after surgery.

Organize Your Home

One of the most beneficial things you can do is to add grab bars near the shower, bath, and toilet. This will help you in using these facilities a lot more easily without assistance. If you have cups, spoons, and plates in places where you have to reach high, you may want to move them lower, since you will not have an extra arm to balance you, while reaching for these items.

Monitor Your Shoulder

Make sure you watch your incision carefully. If there is excessive bleeding, swelling, and pain, then you should call your doctor immediately. Be careful when taking baths and showers. Do not drench the wound in water, since this can slow healing. The stitches from your surgery will normally be removed in a week, and at this time, you may be permitted to wash the wound with water. Until that time, you should avoid wetting your shoulder.

Recovering from shoulder surgery is easier when you are prepared ahead of time and know exactly how you will cope with your recovery. Once you follow your doctor's instructions and the tips given above, you should have an easier recovery.
