When you experience mild lower back pain, you need to be proactive to protect your back from further problems. Paying attention to your daily activities and developing better strength can possibly reduce pain or prevent more significant back injuries.

Start With Routine Tasks

The tasks you do from day to day can take a toll on your lower back, especially if they are done improperly. Start by being cognizant about the way you sit, stand, and walk. When you are sitting, standing, and walking, your back should be in a neutral position, not hunched forward or leaning back. One way to help correct your posture is to invest in a back brace. Even if you do not need back support for daily activities, the brace will limit your range of motion and force you to have better posture. As you become better at remembering to sit, stand, and walk erect, the brace may be unnecessary. There may be items that need to be adjusted to have better posture. For example, the chairs you use may not be the appropriate height or have back support that is conducive to good posture. Whenever possible, invest in furniture that works for your size and frame so you are always sitting correctly.

Work On Your Core

Working on your core muscles is necessary to have better posture and reduce unnecessary pressure on your back. If you cannot perform strengthening exercises, simply start by maintaining good posture and contracting your core muscles. These episodes of contraction can be use to mildly strengthen your core muscles. Ideally, you should perform exercises that specifically target the back and/or abdominal muscles, since both muscle groups work together for a stable core. Reverse crunches are good exercises for the lower abdominal muscles and may place less stress on your back and neck. Good mornings are frequently used to work the lower back. Use the bar without any weigh plates to perform the exercise so you have enough resistance to strengthen your back muscles, without causing harm. If using any weight would be painful, try performing the exercise without weights and using proper form.

Have Strong Legs

Weak legs can often be the underlying problem with low back pain. When your legs are weaker, you often rely on your back strength to pick up heavier objects, which eventually causes problems. You should work on strengthening your legs so they do more of the work when lifting objects. Several exercises can help you work on your legs. If you have access to a gym, the leg press is a good option. Since you are in a reclined position, there is little stress on your back, and you can isolate your leg muscles. Start with a small amount of weight and work your way up. You should also try different leg positions because this will allow you to work different parts of your leg. Perform the leg press with a wide and narrow stance. You should also try the leg press with your toes straight and again with your toes pointed outward.

When low back pain is in the earlier stages, it is easier to correct the problem and possibly eliminate pain before it becomes debilitating. For more information, check out http://www.superior-orthopedics.com/.   
