If you have struggled with hip and leg pain for a prolonged period of time, that's often an indication that there's a problem in your hip joint. Even if your primary care doctor seems to dismiss your concerns, that doesn't mean that you should ignore your symptoms. In fact, you may find that talking with an orthopedic physician could be the solution that you need. Here's a look at some of the most common signs of problems with your hip joint to help you decide if calling an orthopedic physician might be right for you.

Chronic Ache In Your Hip

If you have a chronic ache in your hip that rarely seems to go away but might get worse when the weather is particularly bad or the temperatures are cold, that could be an indication of arthritis in the hip joint. You may find that you can't relieve the ache even with over-the-counter medications, changes in your physical activity, or even any position you might stand, sit, or lie down in. This is a definite indication that you should consult an orthopedic specialist to see if you may have arthritis developing in your hip.

Sharp Pain In Specific Positions

If you find that you can't move your leg in certain positions without experiencing sharp pain in your hip, this limited range of motion could signify a problem with the hip joint. Whether your hip joint isn't sitting properly or there is inflammation in the joint, an orthopedic specialist can order imaging to see what the source of the problem is. Sometimes, physical therapy can help restore your range of motion and strengthen the tissue around the joint enough to alleviate the symptoms.

Popping Or Freezing Of The Hip Joint

If your hip joint pops frequently, whether painful or not, or you find that the joint freezes or "locks up" when you move in certain directions, that's another key indication that there's a problem with the joint. Whether it's caused by a malformation of the joint or a problem with arthritis, problems like these can often be treated with the help of an orthopedic specialist.

In cases where the symptoms are caused by a hip joint that isn't properly aligned, you may find that your orthopedist recommends surgery to fit the joint back together or possibly a procedure to put a pin in the joint so that it doesn't slip anymore. These procedures would be followed by physical therapy, and you should then notice the restoration of your range of motion without the joint freezing or popping anymore.

If you have any of these problems with your hip joint, you should talk with an orthopedic specialist right away.
